Strand Urmanczy
Numar Afisari: 5174
Ultima Actualizare: 10.09.2016
- Localizare: Toplita, Harghita
- Adresa: Str Apelor nr 5
- Tip Tranzactie: promovare
- STRANDUL URMANCZY prezinta o oferta variata de divertisment tuturor celor care intentioneaza sa petreaca la Toplita clipe de relaxare de neuitat. Serviciile cuprind:
- baie termala
- strand
- bazin copii
- bazin tratament-agrement
- terasa de bere
- terasa de plaja
- loc de joaca
- masaj
- Piscina de marime olimpica (50×20 m) este cea mai mare din zona. Pentru cei care nu inoata există un bazin mai mic de agrement-tratament (1,40 m adâncime). Incepand din august 2011, copiii se pot bucura de doua piscine noi: una semicirculara pentru bebelusi si una un pic mai adanca pentru copiii mai mari de 3 ani. Cei mici se pot simti minunat, beneficiind de un teren de joaca cu groapa de nisip, balansoar si leagane.
- La strandul Urmanczy se afla, de asemenea, o terasa unde, pe langa bere si mici se ofera diferite grataruri, kockteiluri, limonada, shakeuri si tot ceea ce este necesar pentru ca orice client sa se simta confortabil
- Apa baii Urmanczy are calitati curative bine cunoscute, temperatura moderata facand-o potrivit si pentru bolnavii cu boli cardiace si vasculare, csrora apa fierbinte dauneza. Apa bazinelor se schimbă tot timpul, o parte izvorand din micile izvore aflate sub pietrele rotunde de pe fundul bazinelor.
- Program 1 Mai- 15 Octombrie: Luni: 09:00 – 15:00, Marţi închis, Miercuri – Duminică: 09:00 – 19:00.
- The Urmanczy bath with thermal waters ( 26 to 27 °C, 79 to 81 °F) lies in a small Transylvanian town, Topliţa (Maroshévíz). It is located in the city center near the railway-station, surrounded by high mountains.
- The main attraction is the big swimming pool (50 by 20 m, 164 by 65 feet), the biggest in the region. For those who can’t swim there is a smaller, 1.4 m (4.6 feet) deep leisure pool. We offer a small round pool for babies, and a larger and a bit deeper pool for over 3 years old kids. They can play on our swings, on the seesaw, or in the sandy playground.
- In the Urmanczy bath there is also a beer garden where you can drink not only draft beers but cocktails, lemonades, shakes and eat simple grills; between others the specific Romanian meat rolls.
- The continually exchanging spring water is rich in calcium and magnesium and hydrogen-carbonate, is recommended also for those who are suffering of blood circulation problems, and for whom a warmer water treatment can harm.
- Timetable (May 1 to October 15): Monday 09:00-15.00, Tuesday closed, Wednesday-Sunday: 09:00-19:00.